Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Front in InDesign

I decided to use Indesign for the front of my bind-in blow-in card. I decided to use Indesign because it was the most flexible in manipulating text. I also found that it was the easiet to use when making filled boxes and copying layers. I had heard from a classmate that the easiest way to do the bar code was to just make two different size lines and copy and paste them as many times as I needed. I found that it was easiest to do this process in Indesign. In Photoshop, I would have had to copy entire layers and move around layers. In Quark, it was not a simple process to copy and paste an image. Indesign seemed to be the most suited to do this. The thing I did not like about Indesign when doing this card is the difficulty in finding a color for the blue box. I wanted it to match the other cards and I tried the same processes that I mentioned with the back of the card that I did in Indesign.

Quark card

I liked working with Quark. I decided to do this card second. I liked working with Quark. Quark was easy to work with because you could zoom in the image without losing resolution. I had found in the other programs that if I zoomed in to see the size eight font in the image, I would be unable to see it because it would be so blurry. This was not the case in quark. I was able to zoom in very close and I did not lose resolution and was able to read the text. I didn't like how I couldn't see the different font samples in Quark, but it wasn't a big problem because I generally already knew what fonts I needed.

Photoshop Card

This card was the hardest one for me to complete. Because I was originally the most experienced with Photoshop, I chose to work on this card first. This card took me the longest because I had to work with different layers. The layers were hard to work with because I would want to move something and it would pick up something else because I forgot to select the correct layer. Because it was my first card, I had to find the correct fonts and sizes. After I had this, it was easier to do the other cards. I liked the flexibility of Photoshop with color and text.

Indesign card

This card was the easiest card for me to do. I did this card last, so by the time I got to this card I had already known the fonts that I wanted and the colors that I needed. One problem that I had with Indesign is that I could not find the color that I had been using. I tried to add my Photoshop card, eye drop the color and use that in the document, but that method did not work. I tried to write in the RGB and CMYK percentages, but it came out to a different color than the Photoshop and Quark cards when I printed it. One thing that I liked about Indesign is that I was able to stretch my text horizontally and vertically to make it look more like the text on the card. For example, I was able to stretch the text that says "For faster service..." horizontally to make it look more like the original card.

Coming into the course, if I was asked what program I would use in the professional world my answer would be Photoshop. After going through this project, I would now prefer to work with Indesign. I found that this program was much more user-friendly, despite it's problems with finding color. I liked how I did not have to deal with the layers of Photoshop. I am glad that I was trained on Indesign so that I am able to see that there are other options other than Photoshop.